Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BabyGanics so far loving!

I will be talking a lot in this blog about my good friend/cousin-in-law Krystal.  She gives me a lot of tips and advice and information about mommy products.  She just told me yesterday about products called BabyGanics.  They were just BOGO at Babies R' Us this weekend.  So of course, being bored and having nothing to do, I decided to take a dreamy stroll through babies and browse all the cute and adorable baby stuff, (which I can't buy because I don't know the gender yet). I found the BabyGanics products, that were practically all wiped out.  I was very impressed with the fact that they don't use any toxins or pretty much anything harmful to you.  I got the lotion and the tile and tub cleaner.  Haven't used the cleaner yet, but so far I love the ocean.  I think it's very important for people to start waking up and reading labels.  Reading all the HORRIBLE stuff that are in our everyday lotions, cleaning supplies, shampoo, ect.  I highly recommend their line of products and I am looking forward to trying the rest of them.  I took a line from their website which is on their "Science of Safety" page.  Everyone should take this seriously.  According to the EPA, indoor air pollution is one of the nation's most pressing personal health concerns. Peak concentrations of 20 toxic compounds - some linked with cancer and birth defects - were 200 to 500 times higher inside some homes than outdoors, according to a 5-year EPA study that surveyed 600 homes in six cities


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