Saturday, January 21, 2012

Boy or Girl?!

Hi all! Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, I have been so...well..LAZY! Really no excuse other than pregnancy fatigue is no joke! I am so exhausted by the time I get home from work every night!  I am in my second trimester now, and hoping for a "burst of energy" that I hear you get?? Anyway, usually when I'm working I come up with a million great ideas to blog about, and of course I think I will blog as soon as I get home, but that just doesn't happen.

So, what I want to talk about in this blog, is finding out the sex of your baby.When and how you found out? Recently, several of my friends have been finding out the sex of their baby at only 16 weeks!!! Which is great, except my doctor won't tell me the sex until 20 weeks =(.  I asked if I could find out sooner, and I was told no, and that it's not as accurate at 16 weeks.  So out of curiosity, at how many weeks did you find out your baby's sex?  I am patiently waiting until 20 weeks over here!

A few weeks ago I was reading Rosie Pope's blog (I LOVE HER BTW!!) and she was discussing how her and her husband found out the sex of their baby.  They would have the sono tech write the sex of the baby on a  piece of paper and stick it in an envelope.  Then they would go to the bar, where they first met I believe, and open the envelope.  After that, they would go to dinner and spend that time together talking about it and celebrating it.

I think that is such a neat, personal, and magical way to find out together the sex.  Do any of you have any stories like this?  I am still deciding how I want my husband and I to find out the sex.  Being that this is our first, I don't know if I could wait a second longer, and would need to know right away!!!


1 comment:

  1. I was 19 weeks both times. First time hubby was with me. 2nd time he couldn't make it so i called him to tell him, although he wanted me to do the envelope thing so we could find out together when he got home. I'm super impatient and it was hard enough waiting the 19 weeks... could not have waited even one second longer! :)
