Saturday, February 4, 2012

Controversial Topic!

Hello!  So I recently posted an article on my facebook page, without fully reading the article.  I have heard in the past and seen in the past on the news that the bumpers in the cribs are actually not that safe for your little one.  Well when I posted this article, it QUICKLY got a lot of attention from people.  It actually kind of became negative towards me for even posting it, so of course I removed it.  But anyway, I wanted to get some opinions from other fellow moms on their thought on this article.  The big topic seems to be, if you don't use the bumpers, your little one's arms/legs will get caught and can possibly break.  The other view from this article, is that if you do use a bumper, your little one could suffocate.  So I am going to fearfully post this article again, to see what you guys think of it?  Please share your opinions and experience as I am still debating if I should use one for my future baby.

Basically, what I have gathered is that the traditional bumpers used in cribs, are causing babies to suffocate from ages 1 month to 2 years old.  This article is pretty conflicting with itself, but it still points out the dangers of babies suffocating.
So, I did some research and I found Breathable Baby mesh crib bumpers.  They are even sold at Babies R' Us.  They seem to be safer, and were recommended in the article.  I am planning to use one in my soon to be's crib. Here's the link to the mesh crib bumpers:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15169367266173682781&sa=X&ei=AGQwT9fECYXY0QHTwZy0Ag&sqi=2&ved=0CJMBEPMCMAE

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